Image Processing & Computer Vision

Graduate Student in Image Processing and Computer Vision (IPCV), Erasmus
+33 7 49 85 67 71
My name is Iuliia (Julia) Alekseenko, I recently finished my Master’s degree with distinction in in Image Processing and Computer Vision (IPCV) at three different universities across Europe (Erasmus+ Mundus Joint Master). During my studies I have been working on various projects in such domains as medicine, surveillance, industrial control, e-commerce and automation. I wrote my Master’s thesis at GoPro (Paris) & University of Bordeaux, supervised by Marc Lebrun, and Pascal Desbarats.
Before this, I completed my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Information Systems and Technologies at Don State Technical University and worked on several research projects granted by the Russian Fund for Fundamental Science, have 5 certificates of state registration of computer programs and 1 patent (No. 2572379) “Reconfigurable device of hardware implementation of a genetic algorithm”. I graduated with distinction in both cases.
Awarded merit-based scholarships: Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, President’s Scholarship (Russia), Government’s Scholarship (Russia), Cargill Scholarship (USA).
Research interests: Image Processing and Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Scene Analysis and Understanding, Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, Computational Photography, Biometrics
Data Analysis
Content Writing & Editing
Email Marketing
Social Media Management
Image & Design Tools

Augmented RealityTic-Tac-Toe
Details: the idea is to develop a AR tic tac toe game which let the user to play on any surface desired. To provide more flexibility, 3 modes are proposed for playing the game: Single Player (against AI), Local Multiplayer ( offline multiplayer) and Online Multiplayer.
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging
Details: investigate various super-resolution and segmentation methods to enhance medical images based on their content and help doctors focus on the important details of medical images. The aim of the research is to combine the advantageous properties of both low and high frequency images to create better medical images.

Research and Development of Intelligent Face Recognition Methods in Biometrics Problems
Details: development of intelligent face recognition methods in biometrics problems. The idea is to develop an intelligent method of human identification with high accuracy in real time while reducing the computational complexity and time spent on the recognition process.

Development of System for Image Recognition based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Details: based on theoretical and empirical research methods, several methods of training convolutional neural networks were analyzed and implemented in practice, and the algorithm that showed the highest accuracy was selected.
Hybrid Reconfigurable System for High-performance Computing
Genetic Algorithm for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem
Reconfigurable Device of Hardware Implementation of Genetic Algorithm
Multi-agent Modeling of Socio-technical System Taking into Account Risk Assessment
*more details soon
Multi-agent Modeling of the Socio-Technical System Taking into Account the Risk Assessment, 2019. READ
Bereza N., Bereza A., Lyashov M., Alekseenko J. (2019) Multi-agent Modeling of the Socio-Technical System Taking into Account the Risk Assessment. In: Silhavy R. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Methods in Intelligent Algorithms. CSOC 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 985. Springer, Cham.
Research of Methods and Development of the System for Twitter Messages Sentiment Analysis, 2018. READ
Automating the Extraction of Text from an Image through Optical Character Recognition, 2017. READ
An.M. Babaev, Yu.V. Alekseenko, Al.M. Babaev, T.G. Avdeeva. Features of the Modern Stage of Development of Natural and Technical Sciences. Collection of Scientific Papers based on the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference.
Algorithm for the Synthesis of Finite Automata for Evolutionary Hardware, 2016. READ
Y.V. Alekseenko, T.G. Avdeeva, A.M. Babaev. Potential of modern science / Vydavatel "Osvícení". - Prague: Vydavatel "Osvícení", 2016.
Application of Service Oriented Architecture for Distributed Computing Systems, 2016. READ
M.V. Lyashov, A.N. Bereza, A.M. Babaev, Y.V.Alekseenko, T.G. Avdeeva. Fundamental'nyye issledovaniya. – 2016. – №10 (part 2) - P. 312-316
Technique of Creating Distributed Computing Systems based on Service-oriented Architecture, 2016. READ
Lyashov, M.V. & Bereza, A.N. & Babaev, A.M. & Alekseenko, J.V. & Nazvantsev, D.S.. (2016). The technique of creating distributed computing systems based on service-oriented architecture. 1-5. 10.1109/ICAICT.2016.7991710.
Hybrid Reconfigurable System for High-performance Computing, 2015. READ
Lyashov, M., Bereza, A.N., Alekseenko, J.V., & Blanco, L.M. (2015). The hybrid reconfigurable system for high-performance computing. 2015 9th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 258-262.
Hybrid Reconfigurable System for High-performance Computing, 2014. READ
Lyashov M.V., Bereza A.N., Alekseenko Yu.V., Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – № 6